5 Best Places to Live in Florida


Well thinking about relocation? How does Florida sound?  Well we already know it sounds great because who wouldn’t want to go to the sunshine place and beaches!

It is a great place that has been on everyone’s list. Let’s be honest. Many people also move to Florida because of the no state income tax policy that they have.

Having a way to get out of paying income tax?  Well who doesn’t want that? Several people also move to Florida to like after their retirement. It is an excellent place to consider.

In this article we are going to clear all the doubts you have in your head about the moving to Florida thing by telling you about the 5 Best places to live in Florida in 2021.

5 Best places to live in Florida in 2021

There are obviously many places that you can relocate to but Florida is one of the best place that you can go to.

We are going to tell you all about the 5 Best places to live in Florida in 2021. After reading this article you will be sure to pick a place to live in Florida. So without wasting any more of precious time let’s get right into this article.

1 Tampa

The first one on the list is Tampa. It is not just a best place to live in Florida. This city has made the appearance to be a best place to live nation wide.

It has great affordable rates and there are employers of great companies looking for new employees like USAA, Citigroup and Raymond James.

The place is said to be very diverse and welcoming. They are also big supporters of the LGBT community. They have great jobs, great atmosphere and great people.

What else can you really ask for? Add in to the throw great education institute and also thriving culture. Tampa really makes for a really great place to move to.

Pros – the housing cost is low and the crimes are low as well.

Cons – although culture is good, they are still in the developing state and can’t compare with the neighbours.

2. Cape Coral

You might think that this is a place which we can call the retirement destination. It is somewhat true but this is also a good place to come to if you are looking for great job opportunities.

Job in the field of healthcare and light manufacturing is a lot available here. It has the fastest growing job market among all the others that we have listed in this article.

This has allowed the city to bear through the pandemic without any major problem. Unemployment was very rare. If you want a relatively quite calm place with the beach then you can enjoy that here too.

However if you are looking for high cultural option then this city might not be the best one for you.

Pros – a lot of people are moving here and they have said to get great job opportunity.

Cons – cultural option is limited in this area.

3. Orlando

Orlando took a pretty big blow during the pandemic of 2020. Since it is depended on tourism it faced a major crisis in times when they had to shut down that business as the entire world went into lock down.

Before the pandemic Orlando was doing well enough. They were on the lead in job growth among metro areas in the United States for four straight year.

This is a great place to go to now though since they have had a rebound after the pandemic. You should consider it.

Pros – It has a steady growth trajectory and the cost of living is relatively low compared to other cities.

Cons – the city relies too much on tourism. This can cause employment problems at times.

4. Miami

Miami is a great tourist spot but it is much more than that. It has a number of things to offer to its local residents. You can get good employment opportunities in healthcare.

However they have taken a serious hit in the pandemic. Unemployment numbers are the highest in this state among all the others that we have mentioned in the list.

Pros – the culture here is top notch with a lot of variety to be found.

Cons – the housing cost is too high since it is a very populated place.

5. Gainesville

We have included this in our list because the unemployment rate here is the lowest among all. They do not have anything else to brag about. There is no access to the beaches or any flashy parks here.

But we have still considered it because many people are looking for employment opportunities after the pandemic of 2020. The university of Florida is the biggest employer in this area. Look into it.

Pros – lowest employment number among all the listed cities.

Cons – safety is a concern and cultural options are not wide since this is a small city.


We hope that you understood what we wanted to say in this article. The conclusion is that you need to get yourself a place in Florida since it is the best place that you can go to in this post Covid world.

People are relocating in bunches. They were going to Florida Even before the pandemic but now it seems more intense. So have you decided which city you are going to settle in?

Let us know in the comment box below that what you think about this article. We hope that you have found this useful and we would like to thank you for this time that you gave reading this article.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this article. Make sure that you also share this article with your family and friends if they are considering a move. Thank you and have a great day!


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